The Birchwood Parents, Staff & Friends Association charity number is 1184425.
Why not follow us on Facebook?
We have a Facebook page where you can keep up to date with events and meetings. Please follow us at
Birchwood Parents Staff and Friends Association (PSFA)
Preloved Uniform
Please reach out to our PSFA ( for more information.
Our price list can be found here.
We would love to have some extra helpers if anyone would like to volunteer. This would involve two or three events each year and meetings once or twice per term. It is not a big commitment, we promise!
Plus, we can confirm there will be cake...
We also have a vacancy for a Chairperson, if you’d like more information on this role please email us at:
Birchwood Bonus Ball
The Bonus Ball is a great way to support the school, and at the same time be in with a chance of winning some cash every month! It is £3 per month per ball, payable either in one lump sum or monthly as a standing order. A draw takes place at the end of each month and the winner receives half of the money collected, the other half going towards PSFA funds.
Our bank details are:
Barclays Bank
Account Name: Birchwood PSFA
Account Number: 23298728
Sort Code: 20-25-19
Email to let us know you’ve paid and how many balls you would like.
Congratulations to E Hamer, the lucky winner of the August Bonus Ball and £184.50!
Save the Date
Musical Bingo with Snow White Trash – Friday 18 October 2024, 7pm for a 7.30pm start in the Main Hall.
More details on events will be posted on our Facebook page nearer the time.
Other Ways to Support The PSFA
You can generate free donations to our school at no extra cost to you every time you online shop.
1. TheGivingMachine.
Please have a look online and search for Birchwood High School.
2. We have registered with Stikins Name Labels. The school can earn up to 30% commission on all sales. Please visit and quote our fundraising number 1955.
3. Birchwood High School are now registered with easyfundraising, which means you can raise FREE donations for us Over 7,000 brands will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them – at no extra cost to yourself! You can find our easyfundraising page here.
These donations really mount up and make a BIG difference to us, so we’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to sign up and support us.